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Please check the box at the bottom of this page to facilitate expedient billing.

We hope you will consider Sponsoring our Golf Classic. The Priory Classic will benefit our Athletics Program.

Panther Tournament Sponsor - $10,000

  • Includes 4 players
  • Commemorative Gift
  • Tee Box & Welcome Sign Recognition
  • Website and Signage Recognition

Gold Sponsor - $7,500

  • Includes 2 players
  • Commemorative Gift
  • Tee Box Sign Recognition
  • Website and Signage Recognition

Silver Sponsor - $5,000

  • Includes 2 players
  • Tee Box Sign Recognition
  • Website and Signage Recognition

Bronze Sponsor - $3,000

  • Includes 1 player
  • Tee Box Sign Recognition
  • Website Recognition

Tee Box Sponsor - $1,000

  • Tee Box Sign Recognition
  • Website Recognition
Priory Athletics Fundraiser - Let's Go Weekend Warriors
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Panther Tournament Sponsor $0.00

Gold Sponsor $0.00

Silver Sponsor $0.00

Bronze Sponsor $0.00

Tee Box Sponsor $0.00

I would like to make an underwriting donation

I authorize Woodside Priory School to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event Priory Athletics Fundraiser - Let's Go Weekend Warriors. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.