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  • Friday, Oct 25 @ 3 PM Homecoming
  • Saturday, Oct 26 @ 9 AM:  Bootcamp hosted by Sam Leeper/Andrew Hasson
  • Sunday, Oct 27 @ 3 PM: Pickleball Tournament led by Lynette Van Dell & Celso Onofre
  • Monday, Oct 28 @ 12-5: Golf Tournament
  • Monday, Oct 28 @ 5:00 PM Athletic Celebration Cocktails/Dinner
Priory Athletics Fundraiser - Let's Go Weekend Warriors
The Warrior Pass:
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

The Warrior Pass (bootcamp, pickleball, golf, dinner) $0.00
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Golf - 18 holes and Dinner Registration $0.00

Golf for Alumni '11-'25 - 18 holes and Dinner Registration $0.00

Hour Long Full Swing Golf Clinic & Dinner (Clinic from 4:00-5:00 PM) $0.00

One Mulligan (limit 2 per player) $0.00
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Pickleball $0.00

Pickleball - for Alumni '11-'25 $0.00

Pickleball - for current Priory students $0.00
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Bootcamp $0.00

Bootcamp for Alumni '11-'25 $0.00

Bootcamp for current Priory students $0.00
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Cocktails and Dinner Only $0.00

I would like to support our Priory Athletes

I authorize Woodside Priory School to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event Priory Athletics Fundraiser - Let's Go Weekend Warriors. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.